About the Journal

The journal is a peer-reviewed edition that supports a policy of open access to scientific publications.

Year of foundation: 2003
Field of science and issues in focus: The journal aims to illuminate the urgent problems of scientific support of the transport, rolling stock, transport infrastructure, information and intellectual systems on the transport and the disclosure of the fundamental and applied researches results, advanced scientific approaches to the technology development, analysis of management, economic and ecological aspects of transport enterprises operation and transport construction.
2307-3489 (Print), ІSSN 2307-6666 (Online)

 The journal is registered:
- with the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting №924 dated 28.09.2023. Media identifier: R30-01395 (Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 924 dated 28.09.2023  and Excerpt from the "List of Media Entities");
- Certificate of state registration: 19609-9409PR from 29.12.2012. (untill 28.08.2023.);
- The publication is included in the Category B "The List of Scientific Specialized Publications of Ukraine" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 409 dated 17.03.2020; technical sciences).

Placement of the journal in the international scientometric databases, repositories and search engines:  Ulrichsweb™ Global Serials Directory, Crossref, Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI), DOAJ, Index Copernicus, OCLC WorldCat, Україніка наукова.
Scientometrical indicators of journal: 
Index Copernicus (Poland) - ICV 2023: 91.68;
Google Scholar - hi-21.

Frequency: 4 times a year.
Language of publication:
Ukrainian and English (in mixed languages)
Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies (Certificate of PublisherДК no. 7709 from 14.12.2022)

Editor in Chief: Kozachenko D. M., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Deputy Chief Editor:
 Bannikov D. O., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Executive Editor:
Kolesnykova Т. О., PhD of Social Communications
Address of editorial office:
Lazaryana St., 2, room 267, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010
(056) 371-51-05 


Current Issue

No. 4(108) (2024)
Published: 2024-12-27
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