wooden structures, timber structures, codes, standard, DBN В.2.6-161, 2017, 2010, SNiP ІІ-25-80Abstract
Purpose. From 01.02.2018, the new state standards DBN B.2.6-161:2017 were introduced into the wooden structures design practice. They replace the recently prepared codes DBN B.2.6-161:2010, which, in turn, were elaborated to replace the SNiP II-25-80. The author of this publication would like to draw the attention of developers and potential users of the codes DBN B.2.6-161:2017 to the points that are not entirely clear, which at first reading caused him certain difficulties in terms of their practical use. Methodology. The practical experience accumulated by the author in the use of normative literature in educational practice, as well as the available experience during laboratory studies with students, made it possible to estimate the recently introduced codes DBN B.2.6-161:2017 from a practical point of view. Findings. In general, the new codes, recently introduced into design practice, are progressive both in their content and in terms of their use in construction practice. However, the existing problem areas in these standards, which are considered in this publication, in our opinion, can significantly limit the possibility of their wide practical application. Originality. The analysis of recently introduced new standard was carried out by the author of the publication not only in terms of assessing quality requirements and recommendations, but also in terms of the quantitative aspect of the issue. Practical value. The author’s experience in calculating simple elements and basic types of connections according to the new codes DBN B.2.6-161:2017 indicates that the bearing capacity determined for various cases is lower on average by 1.5 – 3 times than according to the previous codes SNiP II-25-80. From a practical point of view, this revealed discrepancy means that the already constructed structures may require some reinforcement or reconstruction, and new designed structures should have large bearing sections of the elements and, accordingly, large bearing capacity and weight.
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