brake pad, wear, brake rigging, freight car, analysis, model, statistical research, parameterAbstract
Purpose. This study aims to use linear models to determine the wear of brake pads of freight cars at the top and bottom for further use in solving similar practical problems. Methodology. As a working technique the known approach for controlling linear wear changes of pad parameters depending on freight cars run on a network of Ukrzaliznytsia JSC with the modernized brake levers in real operating conditions is used. Based on the obtained statistical data in the operating conditions, we the consistently found values of the corresponding regression analysis indicators for pad wear at specific points, which are recommended by regulatory documents when performing maintenance in operational units of car facilities for brake systems of freight cars. Findings. A probabilistic-statistical model of brake pad wear is constructed on the basis of experimental data collected in the respective parks of the sorting station during the operation of freight cars. The function of wear distribution for the top and bottom part of a pad by means of which the decision of practical problems is possible is offered. Also for different parts of the brake pad found its γ-percentage and average residual wear. Originality. For the first time for the brake pads of freight cars with modernized devices, the functional dependence of their wear depending on the run of cars on the network of Ukrzaliznytsia JSC was determined. Based on the received dependence the statistical model of pad wear taking into account possibilities of their use before full resource exhaustion is developed. The function of distribution of run of freight cars taking into account pad wear due to which the wear percent at the set run is also defined. Practical value. The results obtained in the work will be taken into account in the future to solve technical problems related to non-standard wear of pads in the brake systems of bogies and increase the service life of freight cars.
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Copyright (c) 2021 V. H. Ravliuk, M. H. Ravliuk, I. K. Kyrychenko, N. Y. Lamnauer, A. K. Melnychuk
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