Complex evaluation of the state and quality of railway station operating


  • D. O. Polishchuk Separated Department «Information and Computer Center», State Territorial-Sectoral Association «Lviv Railway», Hoholia St., 1, Lviv, Ukraine, 79000, +38 (063) 879 96 11, e-mail, Ukraine



station sector, functioning quality, evaluation, prognostication, aggregation, continuous monitoring


Purpose. Improvement of existing methods for evaluation of condition and functioning quality of railway stations and development of the new ones in order to improve operation of railway stations. Methodology. During research the local, prognostic, aggregated and interactive analyses of condition and functioning quality of station infrastructure elements and train processing at the stations were applied. Local evaluations are obtained as the result of scheduled and off-schedule surveys. On the basis of local evaluations, aggregated evaluations of different generalization level are applied. Method for interactive evaluation is based on the analysis of compliance with train tables. Method of prognostic analysis applies the prehistory of evaluations obtained during previous surveys. Findings. Resulting from researches held, the complex determinative approach was proposed for evaluation of station sector of Ukrainian Railways. This approach allows determining comprehensive and objective notion about station, functioning quality and interaction between objects of station sector. Originality. Existing method for station infrastructure elements evaluation was improved. Proposed method for interactive evaluation allows performing continuous observation of station functioning quality between scheduled surveys. Practical value. Proposed methodology for complex evaluation may be applied to structural units of station sector of different hierarchy levels. Software developed allows navigating promptly over evaluation results and localizing drawbacks discovered.

Author Biography

D. O. Polishchuk, Separated Department «Information and Computer Center», State Territorial-Sectoral Association «Lviv Railway», Hoholia St., 1, Lviv, Ukraine, 79000, +38 (063) 879 96 11, e-mail

Д. А. Полищук


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How to Cite

Polishchuk, D. O. (2014). Complex evaluation of the state and quality of railway station operating. Science and Transport Progress, (1(49), 112–124.

