Determination of the Origin of Failures in the Operation of the Automatic Locomotive Signaling
automatic locomotive signaling, failure statistics, failure cause analysis, work interference, receiving and transmitting equipment, quantitative and qualitative failure ratesAbstract
Purpose. The safety of the transportation process in railway transport and its continuous operation to a large extent depend on the reliability of the means of railway automation and communication. In this case, special role in ensuring the efficient and safe operation of railways belongs to the systems of interval control of the train movement, as well as automatic locomotive signaling in conjunction with the systems of monitoring the driver's vigilance and automatic train stop. Therefore, the main purpose of the article is a detailed analysis of the operation reliability of these systems, in order to be able to correct service techniques and improve operational work, based on the information received. Methodology. To prevent halting and failures in the operation of automatic locomotive signaling devices, it was analyzed the failure statistics of all devices of railway automatics, which can lead to disturbances in its work. It was identified the most responsible devices, whose control will greatly affect the system performance and increase the reliability of the work as a whole. Findings. Analysis of statistical data showed that the main causes of malfunctions in the automatic locomotive signaling system are the failure of the decoder, locomotive filter and amplifier, and the main reason for the malfunction is equipment wear. Originality. The results of the work aimed at increasing the efficiency and reliability of the operation of the railway equipment are continuously implemented in the operational work, automating a large number of technological processes and improving the failure rate performance. However, ignoring this, the analysis of the operation of devices on the railways for the period 2013–2017 showed that a significant part of the reasons for the deterioration of the reliability of all systems of railway automation and separately considered locomotive alarm system accrue to the human factor, embodied in violations of the technology of work and non-compliance with the requirements of technological maps and manuals, as well as poor repair and inspection of devices in repair and technological areas. Practical value. The analysis showed that the issue of improving both the systems themselves and the devices of railway automatics, as well as the methods of their inspection, operation and maintenance, will increase the level of safety and reliability of transportations.
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