System organization of material providing of building


  • A. V. Rаdkеvich Dep. «Building Production and Geodesy», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Acаdemician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St. 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38(0562) 47 18 65, e mail, ORCID 0000-0001-6325-8517, Ukraine
  • I. A. Arutyunyan Dep. «Industrial and Civil Building», Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy, Lenin Sq., 226, 69006, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, tel. +38 (066) 900 78 28, e-mail of, Ukraine



organization of building production, material resources, system of providing, alternatives, mathematical models, mathematical providing, building complex


Purpose. Development of scientific-methodical bases to the design of rational management of material streams in the field of building providing taking into account intersystem connections with the enterprises of building industry. Methodology. The analysis of last few years of functioning of building industry in Ukraine allows distinguishing a number of problems that negatively influence the steady development of building, as the component of the state economics system. Therefore the research of existent organization methods of the system of building objects providing with material resources is extremely necessary. In connection with this the article justifies the use of method of hierarchies analysis (Saati method) for finding the optimal task solution of fixing the enterprises of building industry after building objects. Findings. Results give an opportunity to guidance of building organization to estimate and choose advantageous suppliers - enterprises of building industry, to conduct their rating, estimation taking into account basic descriptions, such as: quality, price, reliability of deliveries, specialization, financial status etc. Originality. On the basis of Saati method the methodologies of organization are improved, planning and managements of the reliable system of providing of building necessary material resources that meet the technological requirements of implementation of building and installation works. Practical value. Contribution to the decisions of many intricate organizational problems that are accompanied by the problems of development of building, provided due to organization of the reliable system of purchase of material resources.

Author Biographies

A. V. Rаdkеvich, Dep. «Building Production and Geodesy», Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Acаdemician V. Lazaryan, Lazaryan St. 2, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38(0562) 47 18 65, e mail, ORCID 0000-0001-6325-8517

А. В. Радкевич

I. A. Arutyunyan, Dep. «Industrial and Civil Building», Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy, Lenin Sq., 226, 69006, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, tel. +38 (066) 900 78 28, e-mail of

І. А. Арутюнян


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How to Cite

Rаdkеvich A. V., & Arutyunyan, I. A. (2014). System organization of material providing of building. Science and Transport Progress, (3(51), 146–159.

