Justification of the Structure of the Electric Traction Drive of the Electric Locomotive for Railway Quarry Transport
quarry railway transport, electric locomotive, traction electric drive, energy storage, traction taskAbstract
Purpose. The study is aimed at substantiating the structure and determining the main parameters of the traction electric drive of an electric locomotive for railway quarry transport, taking into account its modes of operation. Methodology. The research was carried out by means of mathematical modeling, which included solving the traction problem and evaluating the parameters of the energy exchange processes between the components of the traction electric drive. The simulation was carried out for the movement of the train along the track section and during shunting, which differ significantly in their mathematical description. During simulation of movement along the track section, the traction problem was solved using recommendations for traction calculations for train operation. A simplified model was developed to simulate movements during shunting. Determination of the parameters of the traction electric drive components is carried out by analyzing the processes of energy exchange in the traction electric drive based on the power balance. During the studies, it was assumed that the on-board energy storage in the traction mode feeds the traction electric motors of the booster section. In the electrodynamic braking mode, the energy accumulator stores energy from all traction electric motors of the electric locomotive. Findings. The authors obtained time dependences of the parameters that characterize the train movement at all stages of the cycle «empty half passage – loading – loaded half passage – unloading» (on the example of an electric locomotive for PJSC «Ferrexpo Poltava Mining»). The analysis of the obtained dependencies made it possible to determine the parameters of the main components of the traction electric drive for the proposed storage operation scenario. It was established that the energy capacity of the energy storage should be 250 kWh for one movement cycle. The energy storage power is 6000 kW. Originality. The authors of this paper for the first time proposed the structure of the traction electric drive of an electric locomotive for quarry railway transport, in which the electric motors of the control electric locomotive are powered from the catenary network, and the electric motors of the booster section are powered from the energy accumulator and are included in the operation at a load that exceeds 50% of the nominal one. Practical value. The practical value lies in the developed mathematical models of movement and energy exchange processes, which can be applied to the study of traction electric drives of vehicles of various purposes.
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