Level of psychological and psychophysical readiness of students for professional labor on railway
psychological and psychophysical training, personality anxiety, level of subjective control, attention, action speed, stability of the vestibular reactionsAbstract
Purpose. Railway transport specialties make high demands to the development of number of characteristics in psychological and psycho-physical spheres of the specialist person. For the purposeful work organization on effective forming of these spheres the students should have clear information about the existing trends. It is necessary to determine these trends. Methodology. Techniques of psychological diagnosis are used in the research. Namely: rating scale of the level of situational and personal anxiety (Ch. Spilberger); the questionnaire of subjective control level (Ye. F. Bazhin), developed on the basis of Dzh. Rotter’s locus of control scale; Munsterberg test, Bourdon correction task); special physical exercises to assess the sensorimotor characteristics (action speed, stability of the vestibular reactions). Findings. Existing trends concerning the development level of students: situational and personal anxiety, level of subjective control, attention selectiveness, concentration and attention fixation, speed of action, stability of the vestibular reactions were determined. Originality. Innovation in the research is the identification in the development level of railway students of some indicators of psychological and psychophysical readiness for professional work. Practical value. The data obtained during the research give the idea of the existing realities with regard to psychological and psychophysical readiness of railway students for the professional work. This is the basis for the focused effort organization concerning the formation of students' psychological and psychophysical readiness during training sessions.
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