electricity, electrified railway, traction substation, equipment, strategies, risks of maintenance, diagnosis, reliability, monitoring, actual technical state system of technical exploitationAbstract
Purpose. Investigation of the operation of power equipment of traction substations (TS) of Ukrainian electrified railways. The search of the new modern methods and approaches improved monitoring, diagnostics and maintenance of power equipment TS during operation to maintain the required level of reliability of the traction power supply of electrified railway and limit the power equipment accidents TS. Methodology. The study of changes of a technical condition of TSs’ equipment over the last 11 years was done for achieving this goal. This research was done for solving problems of power supply railways with high quality on the base of the reports analysis of the management and power supply of Ukrzaliznytsia. Findings. It was found that on the base of the new methods of maintenance is the risk analysis of old equipment or equipment with some defects (rev servicing equipment for the actual technical condition).Reliable performance of power supply devices has significant impact for solving the problem of safety on the railways of Ukraine. Different kinds of accumulated damage are at the first place before of failures of an electric power supply of electrified railway. The study of main causes of violations from 2002 to 2012 year showed that 80% of the reasons disorders normal operation of the traction power supply over the period constitutes next factors. There are damage to the main power equipment TS; power off the grid; overload and surge; and the impact of weather conditions. The primary power equipment failure of TS are constituted about 43%. Relevant constant monitoring, testing and diagnostics of the equipment with the creation and use of micro-processor smart automated monitoring and diagnosis are topical in the current operating conditions. Originality. The new directions for further improvement of maintenance electrified traction substations for electrified railways were considered. Modern strategies and management techniques and maintenance TS electrified railways of Ukraine were proposed at the first time. This methods aren’t covered in the "Instructions for maintenance and repair of equipment of traction substations, power points and sectioning electrified railways’ IT-0024. The basic problems for implementation of these strategies were identified. Practical value. It was established that system outage under tight central planning and management in the new economy does not provide, in many cases, approval and adoption of effective and optimal solutions in organization and carrying out maintenance. It was investigated that a significant portion of electric power equipment of TS even after normative life maintains its performance under the terms. There are allowable stress regimes, timely testing, diagnosis, maintenance, repair and quality of execution; on the other hand the service life of electrical equipment depends on its residual life.
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