track deformation work, track sustainability, track reliabilityAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of study is to identify the features of the railway track work deformation by establishing the boundaries of the track sustainability depending on the design and condition of systems of the upper and lower track structure, plan of a line for the possibility of forming a regulatory framework for reliability and functional safety of railway track in Ukraine. Methodology. The complete method of S. P. Pershyn of determination the critical values of compressive strength was used for the achievement of the purpose. Findings. The author found that the ratio of the minimum values of compressive force under the certain bending deformation can be used as evaluation conditions of the track deformation resistance and basis for formation the base of reliability and functional safety of the Ukrainian railway track. Originality. The theoretical position for the consideration the deformation stability of the upper and lower track structure were proposed. It will allow studying the process of deformation work of the system, which changes its state during a particular operating time. Thus, it allows determining the parameters of the functional reliability of the train as a part of security pass of the rolling stock on the track, accounting its technical condition. Practical value. Usually for the safe passage of rolling stock the parameters of the oscillations of the «vehicle – track» are determined. These parameters are normalized with the instructions on design and maintenance of the railway track. Changes in the regulatory framework of rail transport in recent years provide the observance of its functional safety that are not included in the existing regulations of the railway track. Therefore it is necessary the issue of effect impact assessment of the rolling stock on the track to consider as a dynamic process, limit states criteria of which are determined on the basis of existing norms, correlated with the reliability states, and to develop criteria for security throughout the life cycle on their basis. At considering the dynamic process of track oscillation and rolling stock must take into account the deformation resistance of the track. This issue was addressed only in terms of changes in temperature deformations. This study provides a basis at which it is possible to take into account the stiffness of deformation for the ability of regulatory framework formation for reliability and functional safety of railway track in Ukraine.
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