


control systems, formal description, risk, safety, informal description


Purpose. The publication presents the importance and influence of railway traffic control system documentation on its safety. Furthermore, it presents certain selected issues of formal and semi-formal descriptions. Methodology. Development of correct and complete descriptions of the informal, semi-formal and formal becomes important in terms of safety requirements. Background documentation and forms of command-control and signaling system description are the base documents of safety proof. It seems necessary to implement the analysis of the design, manufacture process and operation of safety-related equipment into the work of the Polish railways. Firstly it is applied to traffic control devices. Findings. This publication also shows the importance of risk analysis, which is essential when deciding on the implementation of signaling systems to operate, which are required both in the regulations and making rational decisions about the implementation of the systems. Originality. The presented a problem changes the approach to certain data and makes us aware of their validity. Practical value. The presented problems can help understand certain legal requirements.

Author Biography

M. Kycko, Railway Institute

Quality and Certificicatio Division, Chłopickiego Józefa St., 50, Warsaw, Poland, 04-275, tel. +48 (84) 473 10 71


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How to Cite

Kycko, M. (2021). COMMAND – CONTROL AND SIGNALING SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION AND ITS SAFETY. Science and Transport Progress, (3(63), 41–48.

