


long cargo, turnstile-fastening device, mathematical modeling, damage of goods


Purpose. The study investigates: 1) long cargo movements, carried on coupling of two railway platforms equipped with turnstile-fastening devices (TFD); 2) the forces acting on the cargo by the TFD. Methodologhy. Research were carried out using oscillations theory of mechanical systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. Findings. Authors obtained rational parameters of TFD at dry friction in supports, which provide the smallest forces acting on the cargo as a result of impact. Oringinality. Early studies of «car – cargo» system dynamics with moving TFD were carried out with insufficient accuracy. When considering such tasks one resorted to a significant simplification of the calculation schemes. The use of such devices allows producing supports of long cargo for cars movable-centered ones. TED allow more or less significant shift of the cargo relatively to support cars in the longitudinal direction. After impact the return of the goods in the original position is ensured. Restoring force in such devices is formed either by the elastic properties of TED, either by increasing the center level relying on them masses. The return process takes place by the kinematic way when horizontal deflection of TFD from the equilibrium position. The solution of the problem to determine the nature and magnitudes acting on the cargo forces and accelerations is implemented by mathematical model, adequate to real conditions. Gaps limitations and absorbing apparatuses of the cars in TFD are taken into account. Practical value. This study will allow to calculate the parameters of real TFD that will reduce the damage of long cargo transported on coupling of railway platforms.

Author Biographies

S. M. Vasilyeu, Belarusian State University of Transport

Dep. «Cars», Kirov St., 34, Gomel, Belarus, 246653, tel. +37 (529) 634 78 58

A. D. Zheleznyakov, Belarusian State University of Transport

Dep. «Cars», Kirov St., 34, Gomel, Belarus, 246653, tel. +37 (523) 277 71 48

L. P. Tselkovikova, Belarusian State University of Transport

Dep. TTOREPS, Kirov St., 34, Gomel, Belarus, 246653, tel. +37 (523) 295 39 08


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How to Cite

Vasilyeu, S. M., Zheleznyakov, A. D., & Tselkovikova, L. P. (2016). CARS IMPACT SIMULATION AT DRY FRICTION IN CARGO SUPPORTS. Science and Transport Progress, (4(64), 116–124.

