


air pollution, vehicles, numerical simulation


Purpose. Scientific work involves: 1) development of 3D numerical models that allow calculating the process of air pollution by motor vehicles emissions; 2) creation of models which would allow predicting the air pollution level in urban areas. Methodology. To solve the problem upon assessing the level of air pollution by motor vehicles emissions fundamental equations of aerodynamics and mass transfer are used. For the solution of differential equations of aerodynamics and mass transfer finite-difference methods are used. For the numerical integration of the equation for the velocity potential the method of conditional approximations is applied. The equation for the velocity potential written in differential form, splits into two equations, where at each step of splitting an unknown value of the velocity potential is determined by an explicit scheme of running computation, while the difference scheme is implicit one. For the numerical integration of the emissions dispersion equation in the atmosphere applies the implicit alternating-triangular difference scheme of splitting. Emissions from the road are modeled by a series of point sources of given intensity. Developed numerical models form is the basis of the created software package. Findings. 3D numerical models were developed; they belong to the class of «diagnostic models». These models take into account main physical factors that influence the process of dispersion of harmful substances in the atmosphere when emissions from vehicles in the city occur. Based on the constructed numerical models the computational experiment was conducted to assess the level of air pollution in the street. Originality. Authors have developed numerical models that allow to calculate the 3D aerodynamics of the wind flow in urban areas and the process of mass transfer emissions from the highway. Calculations to determine the area of contamination, which is formed near the buildings, located along the highway were carried out. Practical value. Efficient numerical models that can be applied when developing activities for environmental protection in the operation of road transport in the city. The developed models allow to estimate the size, shape, and intensity of the contamination zone near the highway.

Author Biographies

M. M. Biliaiev, Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan

Dep. «Hydraulics and Water Supply», Lazaryan St., 2, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49010, tel. +38 (056) 273 15 09

O. S. Slavinska, National Transport University of Ukraine

Dep. «Manufacturing and Property Management», Suvorov St., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010, tel. +38 (044) 280 82 03

R. V. Kyrychenko, National Transport University of Ukraine

Dep. «Manufacturing and Property Management», Suvorov St., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01010, tel. +38 (044) 280 82 03


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How to Cite

Biliaiev, M. M., Slavinska, O. S., & Kyrychenko, R. V. (2016). NUMERICAL PREDICTION MODELS FOR AIR POLLUTION BY MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS. Science and Transport Progress, (6(66), 25–32.

