cast iron, manganese, distribution, carbide, metallic baseAbstract
Purpose. This paper focuses on obtaining the dependencies of the manganese content in the metallic base (Mno) and its interphase distribution coefficient (KPMn) on the cast iron’s chemical composition in the system Fe–C–Cr – Ni –Mn. Methodology. The cast irons containing 1.09…3.91% С, 0.6…5.4 % Mn, 11.43…25.57 % Crand 0.19…3.01 % Ni have been studied. The active experiment design techniques were applied to build a mathematical model of manganese distribution. Cast iron was smelted in the induction furnace with the capacity of 60 kg, with basic lining.Findings.Manganese, being a carbide-forming element, distributed between carbides and the metallic base. With the use of the mathematical statistics methods, regression dependencies of the manganese concentration in the base and its interphase distribution coefficient on the С, Mn, Cr and Ni content in the cast iron were established. The manganese concentration in the base varied from 0.37 % at 1.09 % С, 0.6 % Mn, 11.43 % Cr and 3.01 % Ni to 5.79 % at1.09% С, 5.4 % Mn, 25.57 % Cr and 0.19 % Ni. The minimum value of the interphase distribution coefficient was 0.16 in the cast iron containing 1.09 % С, 0.6 % Mn, 25.57 % Cr and 3.01 % Ni. When the КРMn coefficient values were lower than 1, manganese concentrated predominantly in the metallic base. The maximum value of the КРMn coefficient was 2.48 at 3.91 % С, 0.6 % Mn, 11.43 % Cr and 0.19 % Ni. The manganese distribution pattern was determined by the carbides’ quantity and chromium and carbon ratio that determined the carbide type. The carbides’ composition was formed as a result of carbide-forming elements contention. Originality. Regression dependencies of the manganese content in the base and its interphase distribution coefficient on the cast iron’s chemical composition in the system Fe–C–Cr – Ni –Mn have been obtained. The dependency of the manganese distribution on the carbide forming processes has been established. Practical value. The obtained dependencies allow predicting the manganese content in the metallic base and may be used during the elaboration of the new wear resistant cast irons compositions.
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